GIZ RD Congo Date limite : 09-01-2023

One Health technical support for addressing NTDs in the Africa region

Invitation to tender N°83425787

One Health technical support for addressing NTDs in the Africa region
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH through the Country Office DR Congo, n°7, avenue Comité Urbain, Kinshasa, intends to tender for the Global Programme on Pandemie Prevention and Response, One Health, a One Health expert to support the Expanded Special Project for the Elimination of Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) (ESPEN) and WHO AFRO NTDteam.
This expert will perform a consultant’s role and support the implementation in the African region of the One Health companion document to the neglected tropical diseases road map 2021-2030. This support will focus on the development of national NTD Master Plans and above ali the strengthening of the One Health approach to neglected zoonotic diseases.
GIZ invites now tenderers to submit, free of charge and without obligation on the part of GIZ, a tender based on the terms and conditions required .
This invitation is composed of:
– Terms and conditions of submission
– Technical assessment of bids
– Model of financial offer
– Other documents with internet links
1. For complete and detailed bidding documents, please contact this e-mail « » only till 09 December 2022. Documents will be shared only via e-mail at 12 December 2022 at the latest.

2. Offers should be submitted bye-mail marked as «Tender for one Health Expert, réf. N°83425787 to « CD_ » only on or before Monday 9 January 2023, 13:00hrs.
No bid shall be received after this deadline, GIZ will not be held responsible for bids
delivered to wrong address or rejected due to late submission.

Kinshasa, le 28.11 .2022