NELSAP- CU Rwanda Date limite : 18-04-2023

Re-advertised recruitment of independent board member

Nile Equatorial lakes subsidiary action program/ Rusumo project

The Regional Rusumo Falls Hydro Electric Project (RRFHP) is a project of the Nile Basin Initiative implemented by the Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program Coordination Unit (NELSAP-CU) on behalf of the Rusumo Power Company Limited (RPCL) meant to benefit three neighboring countries to name Burundi, Rwanda, and Tanzania. RRFHP is expected to produce about 80 MW on the Kagera River at the Rusumo Falls located on the border between Rwanda and Tanzania under a Run of River (ROR) scheme.
RPCL which was formed in 2013 and registered in Rwanda and Tanzania where the project facilities are located, is implementing the project through a public fi nanced, privately managed mechanism. Upon completion and commissioning, RPCL will operate and maintain the power plant and its associated facilities using its own staff or hire services of a Private Operations and Management Contractor.
The RPCL through NELSAP has received financing from the World Bank towards the cost of Rusumo Project and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract for hiring an Independent Board Member.
NELSAP now invites qualified personnel to submit their application letter, updated CVs accompanied with the academic documents for the above-mentioned position as per below qualifications and experience.
• Possess a Bachelor of degree in Electrical power engineering, management, fi nance and/or law with a minimum of 20 years broad local and international experience in hydropower development including substantial experience in the actual implementation and operation of hydropower projects
• A Master’s Degree or post graduate qualification in an appropriate engineering, management or legal discipline would be an added advantage.
• Experience of trans-boundary projects would be an added advantage
• Having proven expertise in the fi eld of electrical power engineering, management and fi nance
• Not employed within the public service agencies of and are not nationals of any of the Shareholders but preferably within the African Continent
• The candidate shall have high level of profi ciency in English.
• Demonstrated knowledge of power company management.
• Strong interpersonal, communication (oral and written), and people skills.
• Credible as a resource to engage with members’ governing bodies and; expected to be visible and proactively engaged.
• Knowledge of the legislative and regulatory process with the capability to infl uence in such circles.
• A thorough understanding of challenges plan for the organization.
• Budget and cost-conscious.
• Able to consistently communicate with members.
• Broad range of fi eld experiences, preferably in hydropower or related power projects
Interested Applicants should apply by submitting the following documents
i. A cover letter with statement on applicant’s interest in the given assignment and suitability based on the given ToR
ii. Curriculum Vitae (CV) (Recommended CV Format including date of birth and nationality
iii. An affi davit of good health
iv. Copies of academic and professional certifi cates
Clarifi cations can be obtained before the deadline for submission as mentioned below on and and detailed TORs can be obtained on and
Application letters shall be addressed to RPCL Chairman of Board of Directors and shall be submitted electronically on with copy to,, before 18th April 2023 at 5:00 pm Rwanda Time.

Eng. Alloyce ODUOR
Project Manager
Regional Rusumo Falls Hydroelectric Project