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Social Finance


Social Finance is a social investment intermediary established in 2007 to build a social investment market in the UK and beyond. We are a market leader in developing outcomes-based contracts, and have been involved in the design, finance and delivery of over 20 impact bonds launched in the UK and beyond. We have a team of 70+ members from diverse backgrounds in consulting, banking, the public sector, start-ups, academia and more.

Despite being based in London, Social Finance’s work is international. We have sister organisations in the US, Israel and India and a Global Network of partners across the world in countries such as Hong Kong, Japan, Portugal, Brazil and Argentina. We have supported the World Bank, DFID, USAID, the Global Fund and UNICEF in conducting Impact Bond feasibility studies, designing and thinking through the use of outcomes-based instruments for development and are in the process of designing and launching both the Cameroon Newborn Development Impact Bond (DIB) and a DIB focused on youth employment in the West Bank and Gaza.

Social Finance has been involved in designing the Cameroon Newborn DIB since 2016, together with MaRS Centre for Impact Investing (MCII), working with Nutrition International, Grand Challenges Canada, the Cameroon Ministry of Public Health, the Global Financing Facility, Kangaroo Foundation Colombia and Kangaroo Foundation Cameroon.