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Des étudiantes de iEARN Maroc brandissent leur drapeau aux côtés d’enseignantes de iEARN Algérie lors de la nuit de la culture, en juillet 2017. © iEARN-USA/FLickr/Licence CC

Maroc-Algérie : et pourtant, il y a du business…

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Sur les anciens bassins de lagunage des eaux usées, c’est un parc ornithologique qui verra le jour près de Nador. © MARCHICA MED

Maroc – Dix chantiers pour demain : marché commun et contrats panafricains (9/10)

IPNI Board of Directors Elects New OfficersJune 4, 2014 – Peachtree Corners, Georgia, U.S. – New officers of the Board of Directors of the International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI) were elected May 25, 2014. The election took place at the IPNI Board meeting held in Sydney, Australia, in conjunction with the 82nd Annual Conference of the International Fertilizer Industry Association (IFA).Mostafa Terrab, Ph.D., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, OCP Group, Morocco, is the new Chairman of the IPNI Board for a two-year term. Mr. Jim T. Prokopanko, President and Chief Executive Officer of The Mosaic Company, Plymouth, Minneapolis, was elected Vice Chairman of the IPNI Board. Mr. Oleg Petrov, Director, Sales and Marketing, Uralkali, Moscow, Russia, was elected Chair of the Finance Committee.Mr. Stephen R. Wilson, who retired as Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of CF Industries Holdings Inc. as of January 1, 2014, also concluded his term as Chairman of the IPNI Board of Directors and was recognized for outstanding leadership and service in his role.Dr. Terry L. Roberts, who continues as President of IPNI, stated, “The support and dedicated service of Mr. Wilson has been greatly appreciated by IPNI as we continue to work to develop the science behind nutrient stewardship and promote its role in achieving global food security.” Dr. Roberts emphasized, “Mr. Wilson’s role as Chairman of the IPNI Board has been a positive force in securing IPNI’s agronomic research and education programs around the world. We look forward to continued progress with Dr. Terrab, Mr. Prokopanko, and Mr. Petrov in their new roles.” © DR

Mostafa Terrab – International Fertilizer Association

L’OCP détient les plus grandes réserves de phosphates au monde. © Alexandre Dupeyron pour JA

Maroc : OCP serein, malgré les recommandations de la Cour des comptes

Au port d’Abidjan, pendant le déchargement de sacs d’engrais, en mars 2016. © Jacques Torregano pour JA.

Engrais : le Nigeria redistribue les cartes

Ben Guerir, future «première ville verte de l’Afrique» © HOC/OCP

Maroc : plongée au cœur d’OCP, l’empire des phosphates