Ludovic Pech : Orange

Mobistar CFO Ludovic Pech pictured during a press conference of mobile phone operator Mobistar to present the financial and operational results of the year 2015 on Thursday 04 February 2016 in Brussels. Mobistar announced the name Mobistar will change into Orange by the end of 2016.BELGA PHOTO JAMES ARTHUR GEKIERE © BELGA/AFP

Mobistar CFO Ludovic Pech pictured during a press conference of mobile phone operator Mobistar to present the financial and operational results of the year 2015 on Thursday 04 February 2016 in Brussels. Mobistar announced the name Mobistar will change into Orange by the end of 2016.BELGA PHOTO JAMES ARTHUR GEKIERE © BELGA/AFP

Publié le 21 octobre 2016 Lecture : 0 minute.

Le groupe français de télécoms vient de muter le directeur financier de sa filiale Mobistar (devenue Orange Belgium), qui occupera désormais cette fonction au sein de la division Afrique et Moyen-Orient.

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