Afrique de l’Ouest

Le colonel Mamady Doumbouya. Lieutenant Colonel Mamady Doumbouya (C), head of the Armyís special forces and coup leader, waves to the crowd as he arrives at the Palace of the People in Conakry on September 6, 2021, ahead of a meeting with the Ministers of the Ex-President of Guinea, Alpha Conde. – Lieutenant Colonel Mamady Doumbouya, the leader of the latest coup in Guinea, is a highly educated, combat-hardened soldier who once served in France’s Foreign Legion.
Doumbouya’s special forces on September 5, 2021 seized Alpha Conde, the West African state’s 83-year-old president, a former champion of democracy accused of taking the path of authoritarianism

Guinée : Mamadi Doumbouya a (enfin) un gouvernement

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Sophie Pétronin, ancienne otage française au Mali. © REUTERS

Mali : Sophie Pétronin, cette insaisissable ex-otage

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Sophie Pétronin, ancienne otage au Mali. © Matthieu Rosier/Hans Lucas via AFP

Mali : où est l’ancienne otage Sophie Pétronin ?

Nana Akufo-Addo et Assimi Goïta. © Montage JA / AFP

Assimi Goïta – Nana Akufo-Addo… Qui aura le dernier mot ?

Alpha Condé à Addis Abeba, en février 2020. © Minasse Wondimu Hailu/Anadolu Agency/AFP

Alpha Condé, la grenade et le légionnaire, par François Soudan